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How to Make Your Home Better for Work and Rest

If you are like many people, you use your home for work. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to create a residence that is good for both work and rest. However, a few small changes can help you make your living quarters both more productive and more relaxing. Today, Mark Brink presents some simple fixes that can make your home more conducive to a healthy balance between work and rest.



When you work from home, it is imperative to have the right supplies to do so. If you need access to the internet, invest in a reliable router. Choose furniture that is comfortable. Minimize or eliminate distractions.

Make sure to organize your work area for maximum effectiveness. Some people need a spotless desk, while others prefer to have a variety of projects within easy reach. Choose what suits you and stick to your system as best you can. Some items you may find helpful are:

  • File folders
  • Bins
  • Labels
  • Scanner
  • Cloud storage


If you decide to scan your paper documents, organize them carefully in cloud storage so that they are easy to find. Consider using special software to digitize records and make them searchable.



Healthy minds thrive best in healthy homes. Take steps to make your dwelling more conducive to stress relief. Carve out a quiet space where you can take a break. This spot can be for yoga, meditation, or any other calming activity. Believe it or not, exercise can be calming, too! Keep whatever supplies you need for relaxation in this area so that you do not have to search for them. If possible, ask family members and housemates not to interrupt you while you are in this location.


Research shows that clutter causes stress, so tidying up your home is an important step toward making it more relaxing. Donate, recycle or throw away items that you no longer use or want. If you have difficulty getting rid of sentimental items, try taking pictures of the objects. This allows you to create either a physical or digital photo album of your keepsakes and free up room in your home. Find a place for every item that you decide to keep, and make a habit of returning things to their designated spots after each use. If you find visual stimuli stressful, use closed storage solutions to keep objects out of sight.


Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce overall stress levels and improve mental health. Fortunately, similar effects can be felt by bringing nature indoors. Let in natural light and procure some house plants. If you cannot care for live plants or if you worry about pets munching on the leaves, consider artificial plants or artwork depicting natural scenes.  


Choose appropriate lighting for every room in your home. Select bulbs that provide enough illumination without being harsh. Utilize lamps, ceiling fixtures, and dimmer controls so that you can adjust for different activities and times.



A lot of the time individuals spend at home will be spent in bed. Make sure you have a room that is conducive to quality sleep. Most people sleep better in environments that are cool, dark, and quiet. Choose a mattress and pillow that are supportive and comfortable. Consider investing in other items that improve sleep, such as earplugs to block sound or an alarm clock that mimics a sunrise.



Last but not least, take a good, long look at your kitchen and answer some important questions. Does my kitchen provide a comfortable environment for cooking? Is there anything I can do to improve this space? Renovating and updating a kitchen can take a lot of time and money, so start out with some things that will make this space more inviting. For example, if your range hood is looking a little worse for wear, update it with an under-the-counter option. Also, if your dishwasher struggles to make it through a cycle, look for a new, energy-efficient model that will make cleaning up quick and, hopefully, easier on your utility and water bill.


These days, our homes often double as workplaces. This blurs the boundaries between work and rest. With a little planning, however, it is possible to create a home that is ideal for both.


If you want to upgrade your living space to something healthier and more restful, let Mark Brink help you find the perfect property. Get in touch today by calling 941-586-8832.


Image via Pexels